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About Our Company

Professional And Dedicated
Consulting Services

Our organization is an assembly of hardworking, experience dynamic and dedicated professional working to provide quality and superior business solutions. We strongly stand to mediate between the jobs creators and the job seekers. Our commitment, to promote close relationship betweenn the employers and the employees makes our organization one of the best to dealt with. We look forward in providing with the best of services to you in days to come.

Thank you for choosing Vijay Patel HR Consultancy Services as sure you our best of services, all time.

Thanking you! Vijay Patel HR Consultancy.




Assessing, Delivering and Managing talent for businesses. We help organizations with their complete end-end recruitment.

Access to Vast pool of candidates across sectors and

  • Industries Help with Employer Brand
  • Time Sensitivity Delivery
  • Easy screening process
  • Salary benchmarking and expert in sector
  • Knowledge Offer Industry Insight
  • We give you Candidates, not Applicants
Our Brochures

Our Team Members

Company Owner

HR Executive Manager

HR Executive